The program started at 7.15pm with the Welcome Speech by Mr. Abbas Sajwany and Mr. Syed Asim Jafri.
Al Saleh Group of Companies Chairman Mr. Mustafa Bin Mukhtar Bin Ali Al Lawati addressed the Gathering. Engr. Yasir Mahmood introduced the Fumagalli Officials to the audience.
Arch. Paolo Fumagalli and Dr. Emmanuelle Fumagalli presented the detailed technical Seminar. The Session was very much interesting and interactive, and dealt with various aspects of Modern Lighting Technology and innovations of Fumagalli. The demonstration of newly designed LED Range Products of Fumagalli was there. The commercial and technical aspects of the Fumagalli products were well explained by Arch Paolo Fumagalli. Fumagalli products are made with Galvanized Iron, Resin and Expanse. The unique design and composition of Resin Outdoor Lighting poles makes Fumagalli an excellent brand in Global Lighting Market. Fumagalli official are quite true and confident that LED will be the technology of tomorrow in lighting.
The interactive session ended up with the question time and everybody from the audience had the chance to clarify their doubts about any aspects of lighting technology and Fumagalli products in particular. The invitees expressed their happiness in the initiative of Al Saleh Enterprises for sharing knowledge and to make them up to date.
Mr Chand Pasha, Commercial Manager of Al Saleh Enterprises LLC expressed the gratitude to all the invitees for their participation and also appreciated its Project Team for arranging such a beautiful gathering.
Al Saleh Project team, apart from other Al Saleh senior staff, took active part in the seminar. The session ended with a sumptuous dinner and gifts were distributed to the participants by Al Saleh Enterprises and Fumagalli.
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